Cloudslab / cloudsim

CloudSim: A Framework For Modeling And Simulation Of Cloud Computing Infrastructures And Services
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How to know which host does the VM allocated to? #152

Open sharlec opened 2 years ago

sharlec commented 2 years ago

I am studying on how does VM allocation policy influence the performance. I hope to know how does datacenter make the decision that which host should allocate which VM? Which file contains he source code for it?

itconsultore commented 2 years ago

There are some samples in Cloudsim that you could check. You could also check the source code, Try samples related to PowerContainerHost.findHostForVm

I have tried before ClousimEx which extends a previous version of CloudSim. You could check it and follow the same pattern to extend Cloudsim and add more specific functionality.

amrous commented 10 months ago


You must search in PowerVmAllocationPolicyMigrationAbstract class, there is a function, called finHostForVm, it implements the PABFD algorithm to find the most suitable host for a given vm, based on the min energy. if you want to implement your own policy, you must change this function. good luck