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Potential Improvement: Implement Chain of Responsibility Pattern for Policy Handling #179

Open randyRivera0 opened 1 month ago

randyRivera0 commented 1 month ago

I've noticed that the current policy handling mechanism could benefit from applying the Chain of Responsibility design pattern.

This pattern would enhance the system's flexibility, maintainability, and scalability.

By introducing a chain of handlers for different policy types, we can:

Decouple policy handling logic from the request origin.
Easily add or remove policy handlers without affecting existing code.
Improve code organization and readability.

I believe implementing this pattern would lead to a more robust and efficient policy handling system.

`interface Handler { void setNext(Handler handler); void handle(Request request); }

abstract class PolicyChangeHandler { protected Handler nextHandler;

public void setNext(Handler handler) {
    this.nextHandler = handler;

public void handle(Request request) {
    if (canHandle(request)) {
    } else if (nextHandler != null) {

protected abstract boolean canHandle(Request request);
protected abstract void processRequest(Request request);


class PolicyChangeHandlerImpl extends PolicyChangeHandler { @Override protected boolean canHandle(Request request) { // Logic to determine if this handler can process the request return request.getType() == RequestType.POLICY; }

protected void processRequest(Request request) {
    // Logic to process the policy change request
    System.out.println("Handling policy change request.");


class RamPolicyChangeHandler extends PolicyChangeHandler { @Override protected boolean canHandle(Request request) { // Logic to determine if this handler can process the request return request.getType() == RequestType.RAM_POLICY; }

protected void processRequest(Request request) {
    // Logic to process the RAM policy change request
    System.out.println("Handling RAM policy change request.");

} `