CloverHealth / pytest-pgsql

Clean PostgreSQL Databases for Your Tests
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Potential bug? RuntimeError: command not found: initdb when running on Windows #21

Closed bastienboutonnet closed 3 years ago

bastienboutonnet commented 3 years ago

I am getting a weird issue when running the tests in a windows-latest GitHub action which doesn't ever come up when I test locally (on MacOSX) nor when I run my tox testing suite locally.

When running on a windows container (github actions) I get the following error message RuntimeError: command not found: initdb (full traceback below). Not sure if it's a known issue or if I'm doing something wrong.

GitHub Action tox/pytest run output

________________________ ERROR at setup of test_select ________________________

request = <SubRequest 'database_uri' for <Function test_select>>

    def database_uri(request):
        """A fixture giving the connection URI of the session-wide test database."""
        # Note: due to the nature of the variable configs, the command line options
        # must be tested manually.

        work_mem = request.config.getoption('--pg-work-mem')
        if work_mem < 0:    # pragma: no cover
            pytest.exit('ERROR: --pg-work-mem value must be >= 0. Got: %d' % work_mem)
        elif work_mem == 0:  # pragma: no cover
            # Disable memory tweak and use the server default.
            work_mem_setting = ''
            # User wants to change the working memory setting.
            work_mem_setting = '-c work_mem=%dMB ' % work_mem

        # pylint: disable=bad-continuation,deprecated-method
        conf_opts = request.config.getoption('--pg-conf-opt')
        if conf_opts:
            conf_opts_string = ' -c ' + ' -c '.join(conf_opts)
            conf_opts_string = ''

        with testing.postgresql.Postgresql(
            postgres_args='-c TimeZone=UTC '
                          '-c fsync=off '
                          '-c synchronous_commit=off '
                          '-c full_page_writes=off '
                          + work_mem_setting +
                          '-c checkpoint_timeout=30min '
                          '-c bgwriter_delay=10000ms'
>                         + conf_opts_string
                            ) as pgdb:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.tox\py\lib\site-packages\testing\common\ in __init__
.tox\py\lib\site-packages\testing\ in initialize
    self.initdb = find_program('initdb', ['bin'])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

name = 'initdb', subdirs = ['bin']

    def find_program(name, subdirs):
        path = get_path_of(name)
        if path:
            return path

        for base_dir in SEARCH_PATHS:
            for subdir in subdirs:
                path = os.path.join(base_dir, subdir, name)
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    return path

>       raise RuntimeError("command not found: %s" % name)
E       RuntimeError: command not found: initdb

.tox\py\lib\site-packages\testing\ RuntimeError

This is how the test is set up:


from pathlib import Path

TEST_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent

def test_select(postgresql_db):
    # this populates the db with stuff from the sql file.
    # We could also just run a conn.execute if we wanted to.
    postgresql_db.run_sql_file(str(TEST_DIR.joinpath("docker_postgres", "db_setup.sql")))
    with postgresql_db.engine.connect() as conn:
        r = conn.execute("SELECT * FROM test")
        results = list()
        for row in r:

and this is the SQL it populates the db with (referred to in the previous snippet.

-- FILE:
CREATE TABLE test (id serial PRIMARY KEY, answer integer, question varchar);

    (1, 11, 'hello hello world'),
    (2, 42, 'what is the meaning of life?')

To get all the context and see the code you can check the PR on my repo if you need (it's open):

dargueta commented 3 years ago

Sorry if this comes off as condescending but are you sure you have Postgres installed? Not the Python package, the actual database.

bastienboutonnet commented 3 years ago

@dargueta not condescnding at all it's a fair question. However, I was under the impression that using those fixtures mean I do not have to install postgres nor spring it up in a container or so.

Am I mistaken?

dargueta commented 3 years ago

You need Postgres installed but you don't need to set up a database. As long as the Postgres runtime library is available, Python will be able to handle the rest. The system requirements are listed in the documentation here.

bastienboutonnet commented 3 years ago

Oops sorry I ended up not ever replying to you on this.

In the end my CI setup got a little more complex so I went for a more "manual" docker setup but that does make sense what you say. Feel free to close this issue.

And thanks for your help

dargueta commented 3 years ago

@jsnb or @HelenMc do you still have ownership of the repo? I can't close the issue.

bastienboutonnet commented 3 years ago

@dargueta I can close it if you want since I created the issue.

dargueta commented 3 years ago

That works too