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aref from upgraded vector enters debugger when called from function but not top-level #478

Closed snunez1 closed 2 months ago

snunez1 commented 5 months ago


(require 'alexandria)

(defstruct canonical-sequence
  "Canonical representation of a sequence of array indexes."
  (vector nil :type (simple-array alexandria:array-index (*))))

(defun canonical-sequence (sequence)
  "Canonical representation of array indexes from canonical-sequence SEQUENCE.
May share structure. Vectors of the upgraded type of (SIMPLE-ARRAY ARRAY-INDEX (*)) are preferred
for efficiency, otherwise they are coerced."

  (let ((vector (coerce sequence '(simple-array alexandria:array-index (*)))))
    (assert (and (plusp (length vector))
                 (every (lambda (index)
                          (typep index 'alexandria:array-index))
    (make-canonical-sequence :vector vector)))

(defun foo (x)
  (aref (canonical-sequence-vector x) 0))


CL-USER> (defparameter *cs* (canonical-sequence #(2 3 5)))
CL-USER> (aref (canonical-sequence-vector *cs*) 0)
CL-USER> (foo *cs*)
; Evaluation aborted on #<TYPE-ERROR #x210186F09D>.

CL-USER> (lisp-implementation-version)
"Version 1.12 (v1.12) WindowsX8664"

This is too low level for me to form a working theory, but it may be similar or related to #229. Odd that it works from the top level, but fails when called from within a function. Alignment issue? The code is known to work with CCL on ARM32.

informatimago commented 5 months ago

This code works for me on "Version 1.12.1 (v1.12.1-7-g4912320e) Darwinx8664". Try to load, or compile and load the source again. Perhaps you have an old version of foo?

metayan commented 5 months ago

Confirming issue on "Version 1.12.2 (v1.12.2-7-g7804e4f9) DarwinX8664"

> Error: The value #<VECTOR 3 type FIXNUM, simple>
 is not of the expected type CCL::SIMPLE-UNSIGNED-DOUBLEWORD-VECTOR.
snunez1 commented 5 months ago

This code works for me on "Version 1.12.1 (v1.12.1-7-g4912320e) Darwinx8664". Try to load, or compile and load the source again. Perhaps you have an old version of foo?

I've seen this intermittently. The issue mentions that sometimes, rarely, it seems to work fine. Another user there encountered it and has a full stack trace. That's what make me suspect a memory/alignment problem.

metayan commented 5 months ago

Confirming the issue on both Darwin (Catalina) and Linux (Devuan Daedalus) x8664. Using v1.12.1, v1.12.2 and current master (v1.12.2-14-gb947aece).

Also with the version @informatimago (v1.12.1-7) reported as working. However, here it's v1.12.1-7-g7aecdb0f. (Can't find a 4912320e.)

informatimago commented 5 months ago

Also, it depends on the optimization. I can reproduce it with the last setting:

(declaim (optimize (speed 0) (space 0) (safety 3) (debug 3) (compilation-speed 3))) ; no
(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (space 3) (safety 0) (debug 0) (compilation-speed 0))) ; no
(declaim (optimize (speed 1) (space 1) (safety 0) (debug 0) (compilation-speed 1))) ; yes
xrme commented 4 months ago

I think x8664-array-type-name-from-ctype may be at fault here.

? (x8664::x8664-array-type-name-from-ctype (ccl::specifier-type '(simple-array (mod 72057594037927935) (*))))

But CCL actually chooses to use a (simple-array fixnum (*)) to represent an array with the element type of (mod 72057594037927935).

CL-USER> (coerce #(2 3 5) '(simple-array (mod 72057594037927935)))
#(2 3 5)
CL-USER> (type-of *)

In that case, I'd think that :fixnum-vector would be correct thing for x8664-array-type-name-from-ctype to return.

Interestingly, ppc64-array-type-name-from-ctype would do the same thing, so this issue has been around a long time.

If a little more thinking and testing proves this to be correct, I'll check in a fix.

snunez1 commented 2 months ago

This seems fixed. Closing.