Clueless-Community / scrape-up

A web-scraping-based python package that enables you to scrape data from various platforms like GitHub, Twitter, Instagram, or any useful website.
MIT License
242 stars 249 forks source link

Feat:Adding scraping module for Devfolio website for hackathons #1083

Open Keerthana-T-P opened 3 weeks ago

Keerthana-T-P commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the feature

As a part of GSSOC'24, I would like to add a module for which would serve the following functionalities:

Fetch details of active hackathons based on search location: Starting date Theme Online/offline

Time left for registration to close please assign this task to me with gssoc tag

Add ScreenShots

Screenshot 2024-05-31 000416


github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Hi there! Thanks for opening this issue. We appreciate your contribution to this open-source project. We aim to respond or assign your issue as soon as possible.

nikhil25803 commented 3 weeks ago

Go ahead @Keerthana-T-P


All the best 👨‍💻

Keerthana-T-P commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for assigning me this...please add the gssoc label with an appropriate level @nikhil25803

Keerthana-T-P commented 1 week ago

Please do assign the level 1,2,or 3 tag as I am a gssoc contributor .. @nikhil25803