Clueless-Community / scrape-up

A web-scraping-based python package that enables you to scrape data from various platforms like GitHub, Twitter, Instagram, or any useful website.
MIT License
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Feat: Scraping data from LeetCode #944

Open Shraman-jain opened 1 month ago

Shraman-jain commented 1 month ago

Describe the feature

I want to add scrapper for LeetCode it will fetch the data of the username provided. Like the no of problems solved and various ranks and badges the user got. Please Assign this to me

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Cheshta17 commented 1 month ago

I would like to work on this project. Please assign it to me

nikhil25803 commented 1 month ago

Go ahead @Shraman-jain


All the best 👨‍💻

itssiddhantjain commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @nikhil25803 please assign this issue to me as I have already worked on this kind of problem in the past.

khushi-98 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @nikhil25803 I am well-equipped to handle this issue as I have successfully resolved similar problems. Please assign it to me.

Shraman-jain commented 2 weeks ago

@nikhil25803 Can you guide me how to scrape dynamic content without using selenium as I can't find a way to do so. I have tried multiple approaches but can't find a suitable one