When provisioning a server, if you type '2' to set the CPU core count to two, then use tab to move to the next field, it resets to 1. To make it stay on '2', you have to click on the option in the drop down. This makes keyboard-based provisioning to be problematic.
Starts at '1';
Type '2'
Back to '1' after
To get the '2' to stick, either you have to click on the '2' in the drop-down, or press the down arrow and then enter.
When provisioning a server, if you type '2' to set the CPU core count to two, then use tab to move to the next field, it resets to 1. To make it stay on '2', you have to click on the option in the drop down. This makes keyboard-based provisioning to be problematic.
Starts at '1';
Type '2'
Back to '1' after
To get the '2' to stick, either you have to click on the '2' in the drop-down, or press the down arrow and then enter.