ClusterM / hakchi2

Tool that allows you to add more games to your NES/SNES Classic Mini. WARNING: hakchi2 is no longer supported. Please use hakchi2 CE.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to add one game & check what version of Hakchi I have #1480

Open Mallard27 opened 4 years ago

Mallard27 commented 4 years ago

I have been reading this site and others and had several questions:

  1. How do I tell what version of Hakchi I have? I purchased this on ebay and want to add one game. If I new what version I had, I could install it and make this simpler? I think I have hakchi 2 CE because using the "select" and "down" buttons together brings me back to the home screen and I have turbo buttons for nes games. If I have CE, I don't know the version but maybe someone can point me where to look when browsing the snes via FTP or on the console itself?
  2. Can I simply FTP the game folder into one of the game folders vs. using the hakchi tool to do this? I have copied all my games and saves and much of the snes mini via FTP.
  3. To upgrade to the latest version, it says to copy over the config folder and games folder from your old version to the new. Since I didn't mod this myself, how do I build those two folders? Do I copy the init.d folder from the etc folder and use that for the config folder? For games, I assume I just copy the 001 through 012 folders and the CLV-S-00001, 4, 11, and 12 folders as well as the title.fnt. Is that correct?

I really appreciate any help on this. The game I want to add is already in a CLV-P-XXXXX folder with the same types of files typical to these folders. I really appreciate the help! Thanks!