ClusterM / hakchi2

Tool that allows you to add more games to your NES/SNES Classic Mini. WARNING: hakchi2 is no longer supported. Please use hakchi2 CE.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problem to Dump Kernel in Snes Euro #1498

Open juanpablo82mx opened 4 years ago

juanpablo82mx commented 4 years ago

Hi, i have some problems to dump the kernel in my Snes Euro, it already have the patch kernel, but i cant add games or modify it, my mistake is formatting the console by factory, i have the debug, please help me, thanks.

Base directory: C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2_debug Loading config Starting, version: git commit: 4c9e52e Executing task: LoadGames Loading C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2_debug\data\nescarts.xml Loading C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2_debug\data\snescarts.xml SNES XML loading done, 786 roms total NES XML loading done, 2150 roms total Executing task: LoadGames Executing task: DumpKernel Checking USB endpoints... OUT endpoint found: 1 OUT endpoint maxsize: 64 IN endpoint found: 130 IN endpoint maxsize: 64 Trying to verify device -> ... bytes Device detection successful Checking USB endpoints... OUT endpoint found: 1 OUT endpoint maxsize: 64 IN endpoint found: 130 IN endpoint maxsize: 64 Trying to verify device -> ... bytes Device detection successful Checking USB endpoints... OUT endpoint found: 1 OUT endpoint maxsize: 64 IN endpoint found: 130 IN endpoint maxsize: 64 Trying to verify device -> ... bytes Checking USB endpoints... OUT endpoint found: 1 OUT endpoint maxsize: 64 IN endpoint found: 130 IN endpoint maxsize: 64 Trying to verify device -> ... bytes Error: Exception of type 'com.clusterrr.FelLib.FelParseException' was thrown. at com.clusterrr.FelLib.AWUSBResponse..ctor(Byte[] data) at com.clusterrr.FelLib.Fel.FelRead(UInt32 length) at com.clusterrr.FelLib.Fel.VerifyDevice() at com.clusterrr.FelLib.Fel.Open(UInt16 vid, UInt16 pid) Checking USB endpoints... OUT endpoint found: 1 OUT endpoint maxsize: 64 IN endpoint found: 130 IN endpoint maxsize: 64 Trying to verify device -> ... bytes Error: Exception of type 'com.clusterrr.FelLib.FelParseException' was thrown. at com.clusterrr.FelLib.AWFELVerifyDeviceResponse..ctor(Byte[] data) at com.clusterrr.FelLib.Fel.VerifyDevice() at com.clusterrr.FelLib.Fel.Open(UInt16 vid, UInt16 pid) Checking USB endpoints... OUT endpoint found: 1 OUT endpoint maxsize: 64 IN endpoint found: 130 IN endpoint maxsize: 64 Trying to verify device -> ... bytes Executing: C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2_debug\tools\unpackbootimg.exe Arguments: -i "C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2_debug\temp\kernel.img" -o "C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2_debug\temp\kernel" Directory: C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2_debug Exit code: 0 Executing: C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2_debug\tools\xz.exe Arguments: -dc "C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2_debug\temp\kernel\kernel.img-ramdisk.gz" Directory: C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2_debug Exit code: 0 Executing: C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2_debug\tools\cpio.exe Arguments: -imd --no-preserve-owner --quiet -I "..\initramfs.cpio" Directory: C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2_debug\temp\kernel\initramfs Exit code: 0 Could not find file 'C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2_debug\temp\kernel\initramfs\key-file'. en System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) en System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy) en System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy) en System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share) en System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(String path) en com.clusterrr.hakchi_gui.WorkerForm.DoKernelDump(String dumpPath, Int32 maxProgress, Int32 progress) en com.clusterrr.hakchi_gui.WorkerForm.StartThread()

juanpablo82mx commented 4 years ago

I run hackhi as administrator and i have a new error in log:

Executing: C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2.31_debug\hakchi2_debug\tools\unpackbootimg.exe Arguments: -i "C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2.31_debug\hakchi2_debug\temp\kernel.img" -o "C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2.31_debug\hakchi2_debug\temp\kernel" Directory: C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2.31_debug\hakchi2_debug Exit code: 0 Executing: C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2.31_debug\hakchi2_debug\tools\xz.exe Arguments: -dc "C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2.31_debug\hakchi2_debug\temp\kernel\kernel.img-ramdisk.gz" Directory: C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2.31_debug\hakchi2_debug Exit code: 0 Executing: C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2.31_debug\hakchi2_debug\tools\cpio.exe Arguments: -imd --no-preserve-owner --quiet -I "..\initramfs.cpio" Directory: C:\Users\jp\Downloads\hakchi2.31_debug\hakchi2_debug\temp\kernel\initramfs

juanpablo82mx commented 4 years ago

The solution: