ClusterM / hakchi2

Tool that allows you to add more games to your NES/SNES Classic Mini. WARNING: hakchi2 is no longer supported. Please use hakchi2 CE.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Pro Action Replay support for SNES / Genesis games #820

Open Jord4n opened 6 years ago

Jord4n commented 6 years ago

Looks like NES supports Game Genie would be cool to have PAR supported for 16-bit systems.

mrTruch commented 6 years ago


Drakonas commented 6 years ago

You DO realize that Game Genie is superior to Action Replay for the SNES, right? It lets you hack roms directly.

drdynamo commented 6 years ago

I'm having trouble getting Retroarch to read the .cht files I've added to it. I created a file called cheats and put it in the main folder with the cores folder. When I try and pull up the cheats in retroarch menu all it says is q.cht which doesn't do anything and is not the name of my files. I have them matching titles with game and cht file too. Any ideas what I may be doing wrong. I just played Breath of Fire 2 to near completion straight up and my save got deleted somehow. Super sad but still want to finish the game, however, would like a little help this time.

mrTruch commented 6 years ago

You must need the correct "sheet". However...some codes doesn't work properly....we need more testing.

Plantilla -

Could you try for yourself and tell me more?

drdynamo commented 6 years ago

Im taking the .cht files straight from cheatzilla. You can download the codes into a ready to go .cht file. Do you know what the specific format is MrTruch?

mrTruch commented 6 years ago

No, it's very confusing to me. I've recommend you to use my template. And take the codes from:

Then try it and tell me something about it.

PS: @ClusterM Could you work with the template to create something?... Template

drdynamo commented 6 years ago

Ok, Ill check that out and let you know. Thanks man.

mrTruch commented 6 years ago

Thank you. I'm looking for the same.

drdynamo commented 6 years ago

Still didn't work Truch. All I'm pulling up is a q.cht which I did not add. Let me describe what I'm doing. Im either doing something wrong or putting the .cht file into the wrong directory?

I used your website, selected the cheats I wanted and then downloaded the .cht file in snes9x format. I put that file into a folder called "cheats" and then stuck that folder into the retroarch main folder which also has the cores folder and the hmod. I installed that zipped folder of retroarch into the snesc using hakchi2, went through the process, synched my games, and then hooked it up. Ran breath of fire 2 and looked in cheats on retroarch menu and what I got was an 11r.cht and q.cht, neither of which did anything. I should mention that I made sure that both game and .cht files had same name.

mrTruch commented 6 years ago

Try this

1st You must to use libretro format. 2nd You must to use proper rom (exact version, same CR32 ) 3rd Try to create a folder like me on etc/libretro/... named Cheats or whatever, then in Retroarch find it easy and apply it.

drdynamo commented 6 years ago

Ok, I changed the .cht format and downloaded the rom from your site. I want to make sure that Im putting the file in the right spot. Heres what Ive been doing, maybe I'm not doing it right. Its hard finding info on this because most have access to online updater.

I downloaded retroarch from clusterm's page for snesc. Folder name is retroarch_with_cores. In that folder is a folder cores and the retroarch hmod. I added a new folder here called cheats and put my .cht files there. Then install retroarch onto the snesc. Am I doing it right?