Cmoconnor0823 / Games-For-All

An app That allows the user to search the ChickenCoop Api for video game recommendations based off of several User's selections.
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Presentation #36

Open rubenavaldez opened 5 years ago

rubenavaldez commented 5 years ago

What problem does your app focus: Inform inexperienced gamers with information and recommendations

How does your app solve this problem at a high-level: We used multiple user parameters to assign variables to a video game database query and populate recommendations if a visually pleasing and accessible format

What steps did you take to build the app: Located and Implemented an appropriate API. Including circumventing security protocol by manipulating AJAX get request

Research and Integrated Sassy styling

Generated Bootstrap styling with Jquery and click events

Used drop down menus to control user input in usable format Implemented form validation to restrict access to adult content

Utilized Firebase to track user selections

Added Giphy to have a visual representation for those unfamiliar with game genres

show the app running and solving the problem that began your story also talk about what features you'd like to add in an update to your app

Admin login track location and update to firebase create and save a my favorites section refine AJAX response to eliminate "null" responses updated recommendations to current games "requires paid API" add more selections for dropdown menus

Cmoconnor0823 commented 5 years ago

John is there anything else you need for the presentation?