CmrxRecon / CMRxRecon2024

Code for the Cardiac MRI Reconstruction Challenge 2024 (CMRxRecon2024)
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source code of mask generation #3

Closed fzimmermann89 closed 4 months ago

fzimmermann89 commented 4 months ago


for those teams not having access to matlab, it would be great if you could provide all matlab files as source (.m) instead of only providing encrypted .p files for some functions, such as the sampling pattern generation If we can access .m files, we can reimplement it in python more easily.

Thank you, Fellix

wangziblake commented 4 months ago


Thanks for joining our challenge. I will upload the open-access .m files for all functions of mask generation within this week. And then, I would appreciate it if you could contribute your well-implemented python version about mask generation to this repository.

Best, Zi

wangziblake commented 4 months ago

Hi, please enjoy the source codes for all functions of mask generation! Looking forward to your contribution to the well-implemented python version.

Best, Zi

fzimmermann89 commented 2 months ago

Thank you, just to confirm: The pseudo-radial data will be on a non-square k-space, with spoke lengths for different directions? This does not match the illustrations in the challenge website, but the validation data.

So read-out oversampling will NOT be removed beforehand?

(This seems rather strange, especially considering that the 'raw data' does not look like raw data anyways but most likely pocs partial fourier reconstructed and coil compressed)

A more realistic radial fourier sampling approximation would have removed the oversampling to have all spokes with the same length, as no actual radial sampling would ever change the spoke length during a scan. Most likely it is too late to change that now, but please consider this as a) a severe limitation in a summary paper and b) as something that might be improved next year :)