I tried to change the color of the label by using the label_styles property given in your documentation. If you use the properties you gave in your example (backgroundColor: '#fff', paddingHorizontal: 5) they work as expected. If you now try to change the text color of the label by using the commonly known property (ex. color="red") it doesnt seem to do anything.
I solved this issue by using the customLabelStyles={{ colorFocused: 'red', colorBlurred:'green'}} property. It took me a few minutes to find this and I saw a closed issue related to label coloring problems, so i guess this issue isnt only on my side.
Dont think it is necessary to change something implementation vise but maybe a note in the documentation would be helpful. Still, thanks for your work :)
I tried to change the color of the label by using the label_styles property given in your documentation. If you use the properties you gave in your example (backgroundColor: '#fff', paddingHorizontal: 5) they work as expected. If you now try to change the text color of the label by using the commonly known property (ex. color="red") it doesnt seem to do anything.
I solved this issue by using the customLabelStyles={{ colorFocused: 'red', colorBlurred:'green'}} property. It took me a few minutes to find this and I saw a closed issue related to label coloring problems, so i guess this issue isnt only on my side.
Dont think it is necessary to change something implementation vise but maybe a note in the documentation would be helpful. Still, thanks for your work :)