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Silencer Module doesnt add Silencer to DMT Rifle for US Army #198

Closed Quantum42 closed 2 years ago

Quantum42 commented 3 years ago

Placing down US Army module with Silencer module the DMT rifle doesn't have a silencer added

Churizo1 commented 3 years ago

`{ private _unit = _x;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "RH_qdss_nt4"; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "rhs_acc_dtk4short";

} forEach playableUnits; save3DENInventory playableUnits;`

This just tries to add those 2 suppressors. None of our DMT rifles are compatible with either of the two.

A "fix" for this would be to add:

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_b";

This adds the vanilla 7.62 mm suppresor.

Of course, I'm unsure we want to make DMT suppressed by default.

JamesTheClarke commented 2 years ago

Went through every standard faction to compare: this is a deliberate design/balance choice. Neither MMG Gunner or the DMT Marksman gets a silencer on their weapon in any of the three Standard Factions.