Co-Epi / mobile-app

Initial ReactNative code for CoEpi app for both iOS and Android - this repo is no longer being used, please see app-ios and app-android repo's for latest native code versions
MIT License
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iOS BLE discovery #3

Closed ivnsch closed 4 years ago

ivnsch commented 4 years ago

Implemented the BLE discovery for iOS.

Unfortunately iOS doesn't expose the device's MAC. It's mapped to a UUID that seems to be unique only for a given client.

Apparently some (possibly many? enough?) devices expose the MAC as a characteristic, but this means we would have to establish a connection to each single of them to read it, which seems a lot of overhead.

I'll give this a try anyway (in a separate PR) and continue investigating for other solutions. For now this is just a proof of concept to configure BLE and send data to RN.

ivnsch commented 4 years ago

@scottleibrand Yes*! You should see a list similar to the one on Android.


* I'm not sure about the distributed build, as I don't control this. It works when I run it on my local environment.