Co-dfns / mystika

High-end Cryptographic Library
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Chinese Remainder Theorem #34

Open arcfide opened 7 years ago

arcfide commented 7 years ago

This seems to be useful for steps in RSA.

Tikhon03 commented 7 years ago

Ok. I object! Yes, it is useful-ish for RSA, but I currently do not know how to apply it to RSA in such a way that key generation would be in uniform time. I'm not going to say it is impossible. I did eventually come up with a way that I think the binary GCD can be implemented in uniform time, but that was not easy to come up with. I will think about it. If I can figure out how to do the implementation in uniform time, we will include it, but until then I think the Chinese remainder theorem is low on the priority list. RSA can be implemented in uniform time without it, and I don't feel than any speed increase is worth sacrificing a uniform time implementation. We do not want our code to be vulnerable to timing attacks!