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Minc commands issue #40

Closed EtienneAumont closed 4 years ago

EtienneAumont commented 4 years ago

Hi there,

I'm having an issue when using mincstats and mincmath on the newest VM version. Whenever a .mnc file is entered, I get this error message, no matter the .mnc file I use: ncopen: filename "t-test_AD6-6_agecor.mnc": Not a netCDF file miopen: MINC package entry point

Yet they can be read on register and Display.

Is there anything I have to install to fix this?

gdevenyi commented 4 years ago

Please share an example file

EtienneAumont commented 4 years ago

Any file will do the same, here is one of the MNI templates image

File used is here:


EtienneAumont commented 4 years ago

And yet register reads it without problem image

gdevenyi commented 4 years ago

The mincmath command needs an output file no?

EtienneAumont commented 4 years ago

Yes, the last argument (test.mnc) is the output.

gdevenyi commented 4 years ago

I am unable to reproduce your report on a fresh copy of the VM within a lxterm just opened: image

EtienneAumont commented 4 years ago

Thank you for verifying. A fresh install does seem to be working.

gdevenyi commented 4 years ago

Glad its working.