CoBrALab / atlases

Segmentations of Neuroanatomy on Hi-Res T1 and T2 MRIs and publicly available population averages in MNI space
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Missing regions in nifti atlases #13

Closed mattcieslak closed 2 years ago

mattcieslak commented 2 years ago

Hello! based on the label lookup table here I was wondering why some of the regions are not present in the file here.

The only regions I see in the nifti file are [0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 97]

gdevenyi commented 2 years ago

Hi, the regions were not missing, the NIFTI standard and/or software could not properly handle the volume normalization in the files (we work primarily in MINC, where these things are built into the standard).

I explicitly forced the value scaling to be off in the NIFI files and they now properly list the values from NIFTI tools:

LabelGeometryMeasures 3 nifti/mni_icbm152_t1_tal_nlin_sym_09c_labels.nii.gz
Label  Volume(voxels)SurfArea(mm^2) Eccentricity   Elongation     Orientation    Centroid                      Axes Length                   Bounding Box                  
1      13499     5232.55        0.90825        2.38989        1.09157        [75.9708, 137.723, 81.5086]   [19.8428, 38.423, 47.4223]    [61, 92, 99, 157, 64, 107]    
2      2051      1078.48        0.940595       2.94524        1.00472        [76.0073, 128.51, 75.6816]    [9.37926, 12.9452, 27.6241]   [68, 87, 114, 141, 69, 83]    
3      8335      2458.39        0.867483       2.01018        1.17431        [84.5994, 113.769, 84.6174]   [16.945, 21.3023, 34.0625]    [73, 94, 98, 131, 73, 97]     
4      72        83.88          0.59956        1.24949        1.84272        [93.75, 123.889, 63.0417]     [4.33716, 4.68285, 5.41922]   [92, 96, 122, 126, 61, 65]    
5      865       1137.13        0.987896       6.44672        1.08014        [87.5561, 112.668, 87.7665]   [10.1269, 34.0729, 65.2853]   [66, 96, 90, 136, 64, 98]     
6      186       299.686        0.993725       8.94032        1.52661        [67.7581, 105.296, 69.3871]   [3.19563, 7.79287, 28.5699]   [64, 72, 97, 114, 62, 80]     
7      1060      1509.32        0.9928         8.34846        1.64501        [68.6434, 107.411, 64.0509]   [6.85554, 22.5142, 57.2332]   [59, 81, 91, 125, 49, 84]     
8      452       730.134        0.997352       13.7512        1.69768        [72.7876, 110.378, 60.1173]   [3.52149, 12.0158, 48.4246]   [66, 81, 95, 125, 48, 77]     
9      738       792.019        0.993379       8.70452        1.52398        [68.1965, 109.312, 63.8157]   [4.92337, 13.5743, 42.8556]   [62, 80, 94, 121, 54, 81]     
10     227       455.957        0.99502        10.0323        1.33494        [66.0088, 110.273, 65.0308]   [3.8061, 17.8601, 38.1839]    [61, 81, 95, 121, 57, 80]     
11     724       1335.17        0.991486       7.67976        1.46439        [69.3577, 110.656, 62.0304]   [6.48933, 21.4946, 49.8365]   [60, 82, 92, 124, 50, 82]     
12     595       1097.86        0.992255       8.05021        1.20204        [68.6218, 114.753, 62.0202]   [6.24379, 19.8271, 50.2638]   [60, 82, 90, 127, 49, 80]     
13     1668      810.333        0.909178       2.40149        2.83092        [72.7002, 127.579, 57.8555]   [8.58523, 14.2676, 20.6174]   [63, 82, 121, 132, 48, 67]    
85     13454     5219.67        0.908566       2.39383        2.05142        [116.035, 137.691, 81.4945]   [19.8263, 38.4273, 47.4608]   [100, 131, 99, 157, 64, 107]  
86     2062      1079.07        0.94071        2.94802        2.14165        [116.017, 128.511, 75.6688]   [9.39676, 12.9515, 27.7018]   [105, 124, 114, 141, 69, 83]  
87     8341      2464.73        0.866607       2.00404        1.97093        [107.424, 113.753, 84.6241]   [16.9762, 21.3038, 34.0211]   [98, 120, 98, 131, 73, 97]    
88     1057      1499.28        0.992531       8.19723        1.50019        [123.448, 107.413, 64.1126]   [6.97204, 22.6538, 57.1515]   [111, 133, 91, 125, 49, 84]   
89     457       736.206        0.997315       13.6549        1.44899        [119.263, 110.324, 60.1379]   [3.55909, 12.103, 48.5992]    [111, 127, 95, 125, 48, 77]   
90     728       786.275        0.993353       8.68724        1.62646        [123.812, 109.321, 63.783]    [4.92086, 13.6204, 42.7487]   [112, 130, 94, 121, 54, 81]   
91     218       437.497        0.995126       10.1404        1.83051        [125.899, 110.312, 65.0229]   [3.70082, 18.36, 37.5277]     [111, 132, 95, 121, 58, 80]   
92     730       1344.01        0.991245       7.57366        1.67884        [122.593, 110.723, 62]        [6.52854, 21.5264, 49.445]    [110, 132, 92, 124, 50, 82]   
93     191       305.966        0.993553       8.82104        1.60864        [124.351, 105.225, 69.4398]   [3.22928, 7.91937, 28.4856]   [120, 128, 97, 114, 62, 80]   
94     71        82.363         0.656226       1.32527        1.25897        [98.3239, 123.915, 63.0704]   [4.10993, 4.81396, 5.44676]   [97, 100, 122, 126, 61, 65]   
95     851       1120.15        0.987664       6.38623        2.05378        [104.358, 112.723, 87.7626]   [10.1538, 34.2753, 64.8445]   [96, 126, 90, 136, 64, 98]    
96     603       1107.05        0.991603       7.73257        1.94341        [123.277, 115.078, 61.7927]   [6.4543, 20.079, 49.9083]     [110, 133, 90, 127, 49, 80]   
97     1683      810.985        0.906359       2.36681        0.307403       [119.283, 127.608, 57.877]    [8.66967, 14.2794, 20.5195]   [110, 129, 121, 133, 48, 67]