CoBrALab / optimized_antsMultivariateTemplateConstruction

A re-implementation of using optimized image pyramid scale-space and qbatch support
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Change average norm parameter to 1 in #106

Closed achusuresh2 closed 1 month ago

achusuresh2 commented 1 month ago


When running the script with normalization enabled, running AverageImages from the script results in the following error

ERROR: Normalize option must be 0 or 1, 2given

In the script, the following snippet sets this parameter

if [[ ${_arg_average_norm} == "off" ]]; then
  unset _arg_average_norm

FIX Changing this to 1 fixes the error, and allows the script to continue running.

gdevenyi commented 1 month ago

This is not a bug, you are using a very old version of ANTs.

The normalize 2 option was added in v2.3.3 in 2020

achusuresh2 commented 1 month ago

Thank you, my mistake

gdevenyi commented 1 month ago

I appreciate your attempt at a contribution. I see that my README fails to indicate a minimum version for ANTs, so this is my fault in the end. I will be adding one soon, as I got a feature merged into ANTs that I will be relying upon #74.