CoEDL / nyingarn-workspace

The Nyingarn data ingest and preparation application
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Ability to track known variable spelling #15

Open marcolarosa opened 2 years ago

marcolarosa commented 2 years ago

Amy wants to be able to search the repository for alternate spellings and get all hits.

Two ways to implement:

  1. Rulesets - index all words starting with K as also starting with G (for example) to be able to search on both spellings and get the same result. Is there a ruleset that applies across languages that makes sense? Does the ruleset need to be limited to a given language?

  2. Give the user the ability to markup alternate spellings in situ:

<word spelling1="xxx" spelling2="yyy">something</word>
nthieberger commented 2 years ago

We will have a soundex search in the repository (not in the workspace) as in the Bates project. I have the python script that was used for this.

nthieberger commented 2 years ago

Soundex list This list to be used for making a search of Bates terms return as large a set of hits as possible

It will be useful in creating standard forms, but there will need to be ordering of any conversion rules to prevent rules feeding themselves, and to allow forms like ‘rr’ to occur (which, for searching pruposes, can be treated as ‘r’). For standardising spellings these rules will also have to take account of word-structure, with some sounds more likely to occur in initial or medial position.

Ignore all diacritics for the search.

Standard Bates a ah, ar, aa, u e
u oo, a i ee o u p b, bb t d, dh, rt, rd k g, gg m mm n nn ng gn l lh, rl, ll r rr rr r y
th dh nh
ny nj iya eeia uwa ooa, ua j tj, ch, tch rt rd uwi ooee ayi aiee ayu aioo aly ail Vowel initial :

i yi

nthieberger commented 2 years ago

probably will need tweaking as we get more examples

nthieberger commented 2 years ago

!/usr/bin/env python

-- coding: utf-8 --

""" This scripts takes an XML (TEI) database with original spellings and a tab-separated list of character alternation pairs, and generates a new XML document with standardised variants inserted. It runs over an entire directory, processing all files ending with .xml. The -v option also gives a two-column output: original spelling possible variant. """

import sys, os, re, codecs from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter from collections import defaultdict try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from xml.dom import minidom ET.register_namespace('','')


sys.stdout=codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout) sys.stderr=codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stderr)

def mapToSingleChar(word): mapping = {'rt':'T', 'rl':'L', 'rn':'N', 'th':'D', 'ly':'Y', 'ny':'J', 'nh':'M', 'rr':'R', 'ng':'G', } for key in mapping: origchar = key singlechar = mapping[key] word = word.replace(origchar,singlechar) return word

def mapToOrigChar(word): mapping = {'rt':'T', 'rl':'L', 'rn':'N', 'th':'D', 'ly':'Y', 'ny':'J', 'nh':'M', 'rr':'R', 'ng':'G', } for key in mapping: origchar = key singlechar = mapping[key] word = word.replace(singlechar,origchar) return word

def readCharGroupFile(filePath):

two column group file, where first column is the letter found in the base word

groups = defaultdict(list)
with open(filePath) as handle:
    for line in handle:
        if line:
            if not line.startswith('#'):
                columns = line.strip('\n').split('\t')
                col1 = mapToSingleChar(columns[0])
                col2 = mapToSingleChar(columns[1])
return groups

def variant(word,groups): mappedWord = mapToSingleChar(word) variants = set([mappedWord]) for search in groups: if not, mappedWord): continue for replace in groups[search]: for savedvar in list(variants): pat = replace.replace('\A', '') var = re.sub(search,pat,savedvar) if var in variants: continue

ensure no illegal sequences in the variant

            illegal = False
            for p in var.split():
                if 'mp' in p and 'Np' in word:
                    illegal = True
                if p.startswith(('Gk','R','N','T','L','Y','nj')):
                    illegal = True
                if p.endswith(('Rn','Rt','Rl')):
                    illegal = True
            if not illegal:
normalisedVariants = []
for var in variants:
    var = mapToOrigChar(var)
    illegal = False
    for substring in ('ngrn','ngrt','ngrl''gh','gg','gy','hnh','hlh','hth','hr','yh','nyrt','nrt','nrl','nrn','lrt','lrn','lrn','trt','trl','trn','rrr','lynh','lylh','lyth','nynh','nylt','nyth','tynh','tylh','tyth','rlth','rlnh','rllh','rnth','rnnh','rnlh','rtth','rtnh','rtlh','rtrt','rtrl','rtrn','rlrt','rlrl','rlrn','rnrt','rnrl','rnrn','rng','nhg','nyg','rth','rnh','thj','rnh','rny','rlh','rly','yy','hh','hy'):
        if substring in var:
            illegal = True
    if illegal:
    for regex in (r'[^aiur]r[^aiu]',r'rr[lnt][^aiu]',r'([^r])\1',r'[^aiu]rr',r'[^aiur][rh][tln]'):
            illegal = True
    if illegal:
    if not illegal:
return normalisedVariants

def standardise(word):

making standard spellings

# avoiding use of re.sub where possible
word = re.sub(r'[!,?\"]', r' ', word)
word = word.replace('  ', ' ')
if word.endswith(' '):
    word = word[:-1]
if word.startswith(' '):
    word = word[1:]
word = re.sub(r'\'$',r'', word)
word = word.replace(u'ā', 'a')
word = word.replace(u'ē', 'i')
word = word.replace(u'ī', 'i')
word = word.replace(u'ō', 'o')
word = word.replace(u'ū', 'u')

word = word.replace('rngu', 'rnku')
if word.endswith('ur'):
    word = word+'r'
word = word.replace('ur ', 'urr ')
if word.endswith('ir'):
    word = word+'r'
word = word.replace('ir ', 'irr ')

word = word.replace('aioo', 'ayu')
word = word.replace('aiu', 'ayu')
word = word.replace('aua', 'awa')
word = word.replace('aue', 'awa')
word = word.replace('uai', 'uwayi')
word = word.replace('ooi', 'uwi')
word = word.replace('aui', 'awuyi')
word = word.replace('ngg', 'ngk')
word = word.replace('a-i', 'ayi')
word = word.replace('e-i', 'ayi')

if word.startswith('i'):
    word = 'y'+word
if word.startswith('u'):
    word = 'w'+word
word = word.replace(' u',' wu')
word = word.replace(' i',' yi')
word = word.replace('ee', 'i')
word = word.replace('aia', 'aya')
word = word.replace('ai', 'ayi')
word = word.replace('ia', 'iya')
word = word.replace('ea', 'iya')
word = word.replace('ei', 'ayi')
word = word.replace('iu', 'iwu')
word = word.replace('au', 'awu')
if word.endswith('ow'):
    word = word[:-2]+'awu'
if word.endswith('aw'):
    word = word[:-2]+'awu'
word = re.sub(r'ow([^aeiou])', r'awu\1', word)
word = re.sub(r'aw([^aeiou])', r'awu\1', word)
word = word.replace('aa', 'a')
word = re.sub(r'ah([^aeiou])', r'a\1', word)
if word.endswith('ah'):
    word = word[:-1]
if word.endswith('ar'):
    word = word[:-1]
word = word.replace('ah ', 'a ')
word = word.replace('uh', 'a')
word = word.replace('ar ', 'a ')
if word.endswith('er'):
    word = word[:-2]+'a'
word = word.replace('er ', 'a ')
if word.endswith('en'):
    word = word[:-2]+'in'
word = word.replace('en ', 'in ')
if word.endswith('el'):
    word = word[:-2]+'il'
word = word.replace('el ', 'il ')
word = word.replace('el', 'al')
word = word.replace('ooa', 'uwa')
word = word.replace('oo', 'u')
word = word.replace('uu', 'u')
word = word.replace('ii', 'i')
word = word.replace('ua', 'uwa')
word = word.replace('ui', 'uwi')
word = word.replace('oa', 'uwa')

# no double letters except for /rr/
word = re.sub(r'([^r])\1', r'\1', word)

word = word.replace(u'ŋ', 'ng')
word = word.replace('yny', 'ny')
word = word.replace('yn', 'ny')
word = word.replace('yly', 'ly')
word = word.replace('yl', 'ly')

word = word.replace('nhnh','nh')
word = word.replace('ngng','ng')
word = word.replace('nyny','ny')
word = word.replace('rnrn','rn')
word = word.replace('rlrl','rl')
word = word.replace('lhlh','lh')
word = word.replace('lyly','ly')
word = word.replace('rtrt','rt')
word = word.replace('thth','th')

if word.endswith('y'):
    word = word[:-1]+'ayi'
word = word.replace('y ', 'ayi ')
if word.startswith('g'):
    word = 'k'+word[1:]
word = word.replace(' g', ' k')
word = word.replace('b', 'p')
word = word.replace('d', 't')
word = word.replace('o', 'u')
word = word.replace('e', 'i')
word = re.sub(r'([^n])g', r'\1k', word)
#word = word.replace('lj', 'ly')
word = word.replace('tch', 'j')
word = word.replace('sch', 'j')
word = word.replace('ty', 'j')
word = word.replace('tj', 'j')
word = word.replace('sj', 'j')
word = word.replace('sth', 'j')
word = word.replace('s', 'j')
word = word.replace('c', 'k')
word = word.replace('wh', 'w')
word = re.sub(r'([^aiu ])wu', r'\1u', word)
word = re.sub(r'([^aiu ])w([aiu])', r'\1uw\2', word)
word = re.sub(r'(^| )([^aiur ])r([aiu])', r'\1\2ur\3', word)
word = re.sub(r'([^aiunl])y([^iua])', r'\1ayi\2', word)
word = re.sub(r'ay([^iua])', r'ayi\1', word)
word = re.sub(r'([^nltaiu ])y', r'\1i', word)
word = re.sub(r'([^aiu])rr', r'\1r', word)
word = re.sub(r'[\'-_]', r'', word)
return word

def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description = doc, formatter_class = RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-c', '--chargroupfile', help = 'character groups file, each line contains tab separated sets of characters') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', help='prints a list of original word and variant forms', action="store_true") parser.add_argument('xmldir', help = 'directory containing XML files') opts = parser.parse_args()

charGroups = readCharGroupFile(opts.chargroupfile)

xmlCount = 0
inDir = opts.xmldir
outDir = os.path.join(inDir,'processed')
if not os.path.exists(outDir):
# Going through input directory
for filename in os.listdir(inDir):
    fullpath = os.path.join(inDir,filename)
    if filename.lower().endswith('.xml'):
        print >> sys.stderr, 'Processing %s...' %(filename)
        # parsing xml
        tree = ET.parse(open(fullpath, 'r'))
        xmlroot = tree.getroot()
        for textelement in xmlroot.iter():
            if textelement.tag.endswith('text'):
                for child in textelement.iter():
                    targets = []
                    if child.tag.endswith('term') and child.text: # Finding 'term' elements
                        # Remove existing target elements - this isn't working...
                        for i in range(len(child)):

                        # making standardised spelling
                        origword = child.text
                        origlower = child.text.lower()

                        # clearing text and making new orig element
                        child.text = ''

                        # keep standardising until output doesn't change
                        standard = standardise(origlower)
                        while True:
                            if standardise(standard) == standard:
                            standard = standardise(standard)

                        # making variants
                        for w in variant(standard,charGroups):
                            if w != standard and w not in targets:

                        # making /a/ variant if there's a /u/
                        if'u[^ ]',origlower) and not'ur[tdnl]',origlower):
                            uVariant = re.sub(r'u([^ ])',r'a\1',origlower)
                            while True:
                                if standardise(uVariant) == uVariant:
                                uVariant = standardise(uVariant)
                            for w in variant(uVariant,charGroups):
                                if w not in targets:

                        # Amending XML tree
                        # making choice element to contain all spellings
                        choiceelement = ET.SubElement(child,'choice')
                        # making orig element
                        newelement = ET.SubElement(choiceelement,'orig')
                        newelement.text = origword
                        # making corr element for standard
                        newelement = ET.SubElement(choiceelement,'corr')
                        newelement.text = standard
                        # making reg elements for all other variants
                        if len(targets) > 1:
                            for w in targets:
                                if opts.verbose:
                                    print origlower+'\t'+w
                                if w != standard:
                                    newelement = ET.SubElement(choiceelement,'reg')
                                    newelement.text = w

        # Generating new XML trees in /processed directory
        outfile = os.path.join(outDir,filename)
        xmlstr = minidom.parseString(ET.tostring(xmlroot)).toprettyxml(indent='',newl='')
        with open (outfile, 'w') as f:
            xmlCount += 1

print >> sys.stderr, '%s XML files processed.' %(xmlCount)

if name == 'main': main()