CoEST / TraceLab

TraceLab - Software Traceability Instrument to Facilitate and Empower Traceability Research and Technology Transfer
GNU General Public License v3.0
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MP Version - Improve layout of component configuration #5

Open JaneClelandHuang opened 8 years ago

JaneClelandHuang commented 8 years ago


If you click on a component (on the i for information) the 'edit component meta-data' opens. There are a few problems:

  1. The design is very messy and unaligned.
  2. The field for entering "Output as" is too small for any reasonable variable name.
  3. The Text that displays the configuration variables name is white on pale gray and therefore almost illegible.

Please check a few components for other layout problems.

omarzohdi commented 8 years ago

3. The Text that displays the configuration variables name is white on pale gray and therefore almost illegible.

This issues seems to be present only on the release ( installed ) version of Tracelab. the development version run from the IDE doesn't seem to have this issue. It will need further testing once we create a release version.


omarzohdi commented 8 years ago

Other Components with Alignment issues:

Answer Set CoEST XML Exporter Feature Location Metrics Incrementer of two values Metric Computation for Single Dataset SEMERU Splitter Wrapped incrementer of two values

JaneClelandHuang commented 8 years ago

These components are user-defined components though - so if there is an alignment problem then the problem is with ALL user defined components.