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[MVP] Tags autocompletion #37

Open gabriel-dehan opened 11 years ago

gabriel-dehan commented 11 years ago

@CoHoop , @amina196 , @nicolas-lescop @Djeezy

Actually there are 2 kind of autocompletion possible :

Let's imagine we have a list of possible autocompletion containing those few words : entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, chocolate, larynx, balad

Partial autocompletion means that you'll have to type in the first characters of the word for it to autocomplete. Example ;

Full autocompletion means it will pick the letters you type from anywhere in the word :+1:

Each solution has pros and cons. I think full autocompletion can be very great, as demonstrated with the entrepreneurship/social entrepreneurship example. But if there are a 1000 possibilites, it will confuse the user, and obviously the panel of possibilities is wider with the full autocompletion.

So, what do you guys, and girls, think ?

nicolas-lescop commented 11 years ago

I think Full autocompletion is more relevant for the alpha, and when the possibilities are too many, we should switch to the partial solution by adding an additionnal feature which would explode the sentence in words and try to match on each word, so we would have : entr -> will autocomplete with entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship

amina196 commented 11 years ago

Agreed with Nicolas. Since we won't have that many things to offer at the beginning, I suggest we go for full auto-completion. Are you good to go, Guys ?