CoNarrative / precept

A declarative programming framework
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Release script #103

Open alex-dixon opened 7 years ago

alex-dixon commented 7 years ago

Thanks to @Nolan330 for bringing this to our attention.

Not sure how other frameworks deal with this but seems we should have scripts that ensure a particular version of Clojure and Clojurescript across our projects. We might only need to run it when we publish a release to ensure everything is in sync.

Further, that script (or a separate one that we also run at release time) should also regenerate the lein template code from the latest in examples/todomvc. There's some effort involved here but I'd like to put a smoother release process in place for our next major release, which should come once the devtools/issue-19 branch is merged.

Additionally, we would like to have a template for the fullstack example ( We should consider adding this to the release script as well.

alex-dixon commented 7 years ago

Apparently we could do this. Not sure how it would help across multiple projects. Find and replace might be a better use of time.