Put clj files in clj folder, cljc files in cljc folder
Add examples folder with todomvc project
Move cljsbuild config for todomvc example out of project.clj
Problematically, #79 showed an error that only surfaced at runtime in the todomvc example. As a result of the changes here, it seems like we won't be able to find these errors as easily, because the examples depend upon a version of Precept on Clojars. We could potentially lein pom and uberjar, but fundamentally we shouldn't have to use an example project to detect runtime errors in cljs. Hopefully we can have a test setup that would give us the same result. Any input on this would be appreciated. We have #61 open for CLJS tests in general.
Problematically, #79 showed an error that only surfaced at runtime in the todomvc example. As a result of the changes here, it seems like we won't be able to find these errors as easily, because the examples depend upon a version of Precept on Clojars. We could potentially
lein pom
, but fundamentally we shouldn't have to use an example project to detect runtime errors in cljs. Hopefully we can have a test setup that would give us the same result. Any input on this would be appreciated. We have #61 open for CLJS tests in general.