CobaltFusion / DebugViewPP

DebugView++, collects, views, filters your application logs, and highlights information that is important to you!
Boost Software License 1.0
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Need an easy way to exclude empty lines emitted by OutputDebugString #313

Closed mydeveloperday closed 6 years ago

mydeveloperday commented 6 years ago

Some 3rd party dll which my application loads calls OutputDebugString with what appears to be empty lines

It would be good if there was an easy way to exclude empty lines


janwilmans commented 6 years ago

I have not actually tested this, but I think this might work: image let me know if it does not

mydeveloperday commented 6 years ago

I can see it should do, but it didn't, but actually using \S and include seemed to pull in everything that wasn't just whitespace


janwilmans commented 6 years ago

i'll look into it

janwilmans commented 6 years ago

This works image

Still looking into why \s or $\s does not work

janwilmans commented 6 years ago

It actually makes sense, regex: \s* is saying; contains zero or more whitespace characters , well any string matches that, "foo" also contains 'zero whitespace characters' . I do wish there was a nicer way to filter empty lines.