CobaltFusion / DebugViewPP

DebugView++, collects, views, filters your application logs, and highlights information that is important to you!
Boost Software License 1.0
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Page up goes only one line up in filtered view #324

Closed harriv closed 4 months ago

harriv commented 6 years ago

If I've filtered view (pretty sparse filter) and cursor is at the first line of the visible data, page up goes only one line up (similar to arrow up).

janwilmans commented 6 years ago

thanks for reporting, I'll have to dig into this.

janwilmans commented 6 years ago

I've tried to reprocude can't I can not get it to happen, a source code review did also not turn up a problem. Get you provide the filter set? (export the set?) and also ideally the saved log data?

janwilmans commented 4 months ago

close due to no response