CobaltFusion / DebugViewPP

DebugView++, collects, views, filters your application logs, and highlights information that is important to you!
Boost Software License 1.0
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VS2017 can hang while debugging debugview++ #326

Open janwilmans opened 6 years ago

janwilmans commented 6 years ago

This happens because vs2017 is using the OutputDebugString API itself. If you set a breakpoint in debugview++, it hits and vs2017 tries to send a OutputDebugString message, this whole thing deadlocks (which makes sense)

The only way to work around this, it to disable the 'capturing' in debugview++ (Log->Pause) or not to use breakpoints.


janwilmans commented 6 years ago

The issue is closed as far as the visual studio team is concerned, their view is that their is no reason why visual studio should not use the OutputDebugString API. To me this is odd, because for the debugging tools (visual studio) to be outputting debug-messages via the same channel as the application under test, seems confusion to me, however, there is noting I can do about it.

I will keep this issue open here, as its still an issue to me.

janwilmans commented 5 years ago

we could work around this by using dbgview-agent as a back-end, because in that scenario the process catching the outputdebugstring output is not under debug