CobaltFusion / DebugViewPP

DebugView++, collects, views, filters your application logs, and highlights information that is important to you!
Boost Software License 1.0
982 stars 144 forks source link

case sensitive filter #331

Closed vlovo closed 5 years ago

vlovo commented 5 years ago

Congrats ! for me it is a long seeking drop in replacement for (Bare)Tail. DebugView++ even better combines this tailing feature with the power of Notepad++ etc.
Thank you very much for this neat piece of software.

A few remarks:

janwilmans commented 5 years ago

drag and drop a file tail feature not start to work immediately:

vlovo commented 5 years ago

case sensitive search: Ok, I see ... maybe one can come up with a minimal invasive modification like extending the match type likewise static const MatchType::type MessageMatchTypes[] = {MatchType::Simple, MatchType::Wildcard, MatchType::Regex, MatchType::RegexGroups,MatchType::RegexCase}; and also

define MATCH_TYPES() \

MATCH_TYPE(Simple, 0) \
MATCH_TYPE(Wildcard, 1) \
MATCH_TYPE(Regex, 2) \
MATCH_TYPE(RegexGroups, 3)\
_**MATCH_TYPE(RegexCase, 4)**_
janwilmans commented 5 years ago


highlighting capital 'O' in green, while lower-case 'o' is red

janwilmans commented 5 years ago

implemented in aca8877197c88c7410c9d6f160a5ca1f6517aa40 (build pending)

janwilmans commented 5 years ago

please try out

vlovo commented 5 years ago

Great ! Works lile a charm.

janwilmans commented 5 years ago

good to hear, glad I could help