CobaltFusion / DebugViewPP

DebugView++, collects, views, filters your application logs, and highlights information that is important to you!
Boost Software License 1.0
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Visual Studio "Peek" hitch and client syntax highlighting request #362

Open codenotes opened 4 years ago

codenotes commented 4 years ago

DebugView++ is essential. Just one thing to think about (I can help develop if guided)

It would be tremendous if the client when calling OutputDebugString() could also send a coloring hint such that the client could define what the highlighting will be. There are times when the client absolutely knows something is important and should be, say, red, whereas it can be a lot of work to set up all the coloring in DBV (and one might not even know to highlight something important in a log-chatty application.) Recommend using ANSI Escape code...these could be sent in a string from the client.exe, and DBV++ could "honor" them by implementing/coloring. Ie:

OutputDebugStringA ("\033[31m" "This is a red line" "\033[0m" );

Note that the above, if put in printf would in VT Terminal mode enabled (windows 10+) console result in a red line. These are VT 100 codes which are now supported in windows.

When you debug in *nix, coloring is frequently used with these escape characters, and most logging is console based. It is really powerful when the client can, itself, determine how it wants its logging represented.

janwilmans commented 4 years ago

I would like to implement this in, an upcoming development that makes debugview++ functionality available for multiple platforms. Would you be interested to help?