CobaltFusion / DebugViewPP

DebugView++, collects, views, filters your application logs, and highlights information that is important to you!
Boost Software License 1.0
978 stars 144 forks source link

New useability #369

Closed Mabus13 closed 1 year ago

Mabus13 commented 3 years ago

Hello man! Very nice tool! Big thanks for your work. ^___^ (im from rus, sry 4 bad eng) Can you add few new types of "filters": "start" and "end" highlitng/including/exluding. I try explain - after match filter that line and all next lines in one color highlighting, after "end" match highlighting clear. And same for including, exluding... WBR from Russia with love =3

janwilmans commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the compliments! I love to see when my work is appreciated. The feature you are requesting would require a fundamental redesign, because the filters now operate line-by-line, but this kind of filter would be one where any previous line can change the appearance of later lines.

Mabus13 commented 3 years ago

So no any hope for that feature?

Mabus13 commented 3 years ago

Maybe for without "fundamental redesign" just use flag? Only few global flags for that features? Flag on - use color/show/hide... Flag off do nothing. =)))

janwilmans commented 2 years ago

That would work only if you 'reprocess' all lines every time from the beginning to end. This doesn't scale will, debugview can now quickly jump from any point in the buffer to any other line in the buffer, but with such a feature that would cause long delays to reprocess all the lines in between, so I'm not sure how to implement this without quite a bit overhead, slowing down all other usecases, even when not using this.

janwilmans commented 1 year ago

wont fix