CobaltFusion / DebugViewPP

DebugView++, collects, views, filters your application logs, and highlights information that is important to you!
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Remove color support from "Include" filter. #374

Closed Ishmaeel closed 1 month ago

Ishmaeel commented 2 years ago

I would very much like to use the "include" filter but the fact that it has precedence over dynamic process colors has been a deal breaker.

Now include filter does not apply text coloring either, very much like the exclude filter. Not a big functionality loss because it is still possible to recolor included lines by defining an additional highlight rule. Perhaps more work, but definitely more flexibility.

Accept PR if it makes sense. Reject if not compatible with project vision.

janwilmans commented 2 years ago

thanks for the suggestion, I can see your point, you mean that if you use the include filter, it will apply its color to the included line, and overwrite the 'process color' ?

Ishmaeel commented 2 years ago

Yes, process coloring stops working as soon as an include filter is added.

janwilmans commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion, I will have another look at feature requests.

janwilmans commented 1 month ago

I think you suggestion is good, thank you for the contribution!