CobaltFusion / DebugViewPP

DebugView++, collects, views, filters your application logs, and highlights information that is important to you!
Boost Software License 1.0
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The log output is incorrect #382

Closed ZRR666 closed 1 year ago

ZRR666 commented 2 years ago

DebugViewPP does not support Korean language

Is it printed??

ZRR666 commented 2 years ago

image L"abccccc 게임 시작"

ZRR666 commented 2 years ago


janwilmans commented 2 years ago

OutputDebugStringW internally converts the strings and calls OutputDebugStringA, so there is nothing I can change to support WideStrings. However, if you can call OutputDebugStringA and give to UTF-8 input, that can work out of the box.

There are a couple of windows settings that need to be enabled for it to work: image


I tested with Chinese, but it should work for Korean the same way.

janwilmans commented 1 year ago

no further feedback received, please reopen if needed