CobaltFusion / DebugViewPP

DebugView++, collects, views, filters your application logs, and highlights information that is important to you!
Boost Software License 1.0
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Make it possible to override NUGET_PACKAGES_PATH on command line #393

Closed vadz closed 4 months ago

vadz commented 4 months ago

When PackagesRoot is set to some global directory, nuget packages are installed in it and not under application-specific nuget directory, so using the default value of NUGET_PACKAGES_PATH didn't work and CMake configure step failed because it didn't find third-party packages files.

Fix this by allowing to specify -DNUGET_PACKAGES_PATH=$PackagesRoot on CMake command line to override the default value.

I've ran into this while working on my other PR and had to make this change as I couldn't build the application without it. I'm not a CMake expert (far from it), but AFAICS this shouldn't break anything and allows the build to work here.

janwilmans commented 4 months ago

Thank you for you contributions!! I merged them and will make new release asap (however, I see that the automatic version numbering is broken since I moved to CMake, so I will have to fix that first ;)