CobayaSampler / cobaya

Code for Bayesian Analysis
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cobaya-install cannot name '__obsolete__' from 'cobaya' (unknown location) #356

Closed mtryan83 closed 2 weeks ago

mtryan83 commented 2 months ago

At some point between 3.8 and 3.10(?) python seems to have changed how modules are initialized and the variables found in cobaya/cobaya/ are no longer exported under e.g. from cobaya import __obsolete__ unless you are running from the cobaya directory itself. Thus, running the example code

$ cobaya-install cosmo -p  /path/to/packages

fails with the error ImportError: cannot import name '__obsolete__' from 'cobaya' (unknown location).

A workaround (for this problem specifically, may apply to other issues) is to change

    from cobaya import __obsolete__

on line 712 in cobaya/cobaya/ to

        from cobaya import __obsolete__
    except ImportError:
        from cobaya.cobaya import __obsolete__

Since this might not be the correct/best fix, I haven't made it a PR.

cmbant commented 2 months ago

Seems to work OK for me in 3.11.5. Did you install cobaya e.g. with "pip install -e "?

cmbant commented 1 month ago

Please close if this is OK, otherwise a reproducing case would be helpful.

mtryan83 commented 1 month ago

Ah, my mistake, I should have mentioned I was installing from source. A coworker gave the impression they were seeing the issue when installing normally, but from further testing I've had no trouble when installing from pip.

Reproducing seems pretty straightforward (slightly tweaked from the install instructions since I use conda):

# Create install environment
$ conda create -n cobaya_test numpy scipy pandas pyyaml requests pybobyqa getdist fuzzywuzzy packaging tqdm portalocker dill
# Clone source
$ git clone
# Install (we don't need the test requisites)
pip install --no-deps -e cobaya
# Try to install cosmology packs
$ cobaya-install cosmo -p cobaya-packs/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/$HOME/.conda/envs/cobaya_test/bin/cobaya-install", line 8, in <module>
  File "/$HOME/cobaya/cobaya/", line 564, in install_script
  File "/$HOME/cobaya/cobaya/", line 719, in warn_deprecation
  File "/$HOME/cobaya/cobaya/", line 712, in warn_deprecation_version
    from cobaya import __obsolete__
ImportError: cannot import name '__obsolete__' from 'cobaya' (unknown location)

The pip install command is slightly different from the install instructions, but I get the same result regardless. As far as I know, using conda shouldn't be an issue (it isn't when I install directly from pip).

To be honest, I'm not even sure this requires a code change, since it's a little obscure, but it would be nice to have at least a note in the documentation about it.

cmbant commented 1 month ago

Thanks but I can't reproduce it with that. (pybobyqa are not default conda packages, and you don't seem to switch environment). This works for me.

$ conda create -n cobaya_test numpy scipy pandas pyyaml requests fuzzywuzzy packaging tqdm portalocker dill
$ activate cobaya_test
$ pip install -e cobaya
$ cobaya-install cosmo -p cobaya-packs/