CobbCoding1 / Cano

Text Editor Written In C Using ncurses
Apache License 2.0
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Implement basic motions #3

Closed CobbCoding1 closed 6 months ago

CobbCoding1 commented 6 months ago

Similar to vim, I want most of those motions implemented. Part of this is also the arrow keys whilst in insert mode. Also would like: gg go to first line G go to the last line 0 go to first character of line $ go to last character in line w go to the beginning of the next word b go to the beginning of the previous word e go to the ending of the next word ge go to the ending of the previous word % go to matching pairs, i.e. ( -> )

There are obviously more but these are the basic ones I use the most, and thus the ones I want the most. To clarify, this is all for NORMAL mode at the moment.