Cobenian / raygun

A raygun client for Elixir
Apache License 2.0
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Fixing issue when message_payload receives a charlist #23

Closed larskrantz closed 8 years ago

larskrantz commented 8 years ago

Fixes #17 and probably #14. As far as I can see, this could happen when Logger reports an non-exception, and I have seen regularly it when a GenServer crashes. msg in def handle_event({:error, gl, {Logger, msg, _ts, _md}}, state) when node(gl) == node() could be a list like:

iex(1)> l = [["GenServer", [10 | " *foo"]]]
[["GenServer", [10 | " *foo"]]]
iex(2)> List.to_string(l)
"GenServer\n *foo"