Cobertos / notion_export_enhancer

Export and _enhance_, takes Notion's export and makes it just a bit more usable
MIT License
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Added handling and counters for filename, http, and time errors #2

Closed KGBicheno closed 3 years ago

KGBicheno commented 3 years ago

I've added extra error-handling for:

The final output will now include the number of times any of these errors occurred.

KGBicheno commented 3 years ago

There's a bug where hitting enter without an input will still loop the question, but it will crash no matter what you enter next. Otherwise it's fine. Run through 3.6.8 as per instructions.

Pushed mainly to show you where I got up to. I'm going to redo the whole thing in a day or two. It would probably be easier to add a flag for setting the options at the start - I had hundreds of inputs from my Notion pages. :D Thanks for letting me have a go! :dancers:

Cobertos commented 3 years ago

Going to close this one, I merged a couple things from here into

Thanks again for the work and sorry I haven't been more communicative! This just hasn't been a priority for me