CobraPi / Klipper-Firmware-FLSUN-QQ-S-Pro-Delta-Printer

Firmware configuration files and instructions on how to get the Klipper ecosystem running on the FLSUN QQ-S Pro delta 3D printer
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QQSP Touchscreen Functionality post Klipper FW? #25

Closed beebenutz closed 11 months ago

beebenutz commented 11 months ago

Is it normal for the QQSP touchscreen to only display "complete" after updating firmware to Klipper? Is this also the general outcome with all screens connected to the machine's micro-controller? Just wandering if I have something configured incorrectly, and if I update my other machines, will the integrated screens on the other machine's also be non-functional?

It would be nice if the mcu screens could be utilized to al least show some stats or print progress or anything useful!


conlank commented 11 months ago

These screens are not compatible with klipper.

beebenutz commented 11 months ago

These screens are not compatible with klipper.

Thanks for the elaborate response.

conlank commented 11 months ago

I could explain why they are fundamentally incompatible, but googling the part name, looking at the manufacturers repo would be enlightening as if I told you that these screens are grbl controllers, i.e. send gcode over serial to the MCU, these screens have their own controller, basically think of them as an early version of the klipper pi.