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Movie Score Recommendation Tool #131

Open brian-norman opened 1 year ago

brian-norman commented 1 year ago


I was just shown a really cool restaurant review app called Beli that has a fascinating scoring feature. Basically when you add a new restaurant it asks you "Did you like [new restaurant] or [some old restaurant you liked] more?" And it just keeps asking you that until you click "Too hard to decide" at which point it picks a score for that restaurant. Essentially auto-ranking all the restaurants, so that your preferences are logically consistent.

The proposal here is to consider an optional feature to help score movies for the movie club in the same way.

The Feature

Image when you click review, you are shown a modal. The modal has a spot to fill in your own number if you'd like, or use the recommendation tool. The modal first asks whether you liked the movie, thought it was OK, or if you did not like it. This then anchors the initial list of movies it asks you to compare against. Then the modal shows you your new movie, vs some anchor movie. It essentially binary searches for the movie where it's too hard for you to compare them at that point. It then picks that movie's score as the approximation for this movie's score (rounded to two digits).

Open Questions

  1. We probably need a minimum number of movies before enabling the recommendation tool?
  2. Should we bias towards comparing against movies of the same genre as the new movie?