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Cockpit Core - Content Platform
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_cby and _mby are NULL by default? #186

Closed ronaldaug closed 2 weeks ago

ronaldaug commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not quite sure this is intentional or a bug.

When creating a new item using the user key USR-1234567890 through REST API, the _cby and _mby fields are saved as NULL, instead of the user ID of who created that item.

Steps to Reproduce

    "title": "Test post",
    "description": "Test post description",
    "_state": 1,
    "_modified": 1714704858,
    "_mby": null,
    "_created": 1714704858,
    "_cby": null,
    "_id": "5bbd652d30666595f5000208"

Expected Behavior

The _mby and _cby fields should contain the user ID of the user who created the item, not null.

aheinze commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for reporting!