Open coco-lab-2022 opened 2 years ago
I will read this article carefully
The productivity indicator: the number of a project commits in a month and the average cycle time of a project's closed bugs in a month. The quality indicator: the new bug found in a month and monthly bug fix rate. These four indicators represent the progress of a project and I want to reuse them.
I have come up with a new idea, we can split the triangle into different kinds: the triangle with zero, one, two, and three elite developers. Just analyzing the number of triangles may be insubstantial.
In Wang et al. (2020), we used four indicators for project outcomes. see:
Zhendong Wang, Yang Feng, Yi Wang, James A. Jones, and David Redmiles. 2020. Unveiling Elite Developers’ Activities in Open Source Projects. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 29, 3, Article 16 (July 2020), 35 pages.
Now there are two questions: