CocoaPods / Rome

Makes it easy to build a list of frameworks.
MIT License
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Linker error when archiving tvOS app. #50

Closed toshi0383 closed 7 years ago

toshi0383 commented 7 years ago
ld: bitcode bundle could not be generated because '/Users/toshi0383/foo/app/Rome/RxSwift.framework/RxSwift' was built without full bitcode.

Any idea .. ?

toshi0383 commented 7 years ago

How do you set BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode to Rome ?

ikesyo commented 7 years ago

@toshi0383 Using post_install hook might help?

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE'] = 'bitcode'
toshi0383 commented 7 years ago

@ikesyo It worked !! Also successfully uploaded archived app to iTunesConnect. Thanks a lot !

p.s. I also added carthage copy-frameworks Build Phase b/c the app crashed due to Image not found error.