CocoaPods / Rome

Makes it easy to build a list of frameworks.
MIT License
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`pod install` fails if pod not used by concrete target #58

Open openreply-dleinhaeuser opened 7 years ago

openreply-dleinhaeuser commented 7 years ago

cocoapods version 1.2.1 cocoapods-rome version 0.8.0

Given a Podfile like the following:

platform :osx, '10.10'

plugin 'cocoapods-rome'

pod 'XcodeEditor'

I would expect pod install to download the XcodeEditor pod and install it in the Rome folder. Instead I get the following error:

> bundle exec pod install
Analyzing dependencies
[!] The dependency `XcodeEditor` is not used in any concrete target.
orta commented 7 years ago

This is CocoaPods raising an error before Rome can run it's pre-installer. To make this work, Rome would need to suppress this warning.

jugutier commented 6 years ago

@openreply-dleinhaeuser you can get your frameworks with just a Podfille but you have to specify some target on it even if it doesn't exist just to get cocoapods to not complain. See my example here: