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List issues about difficulty of setting up apps #5

Open alloy opened 9 years ago

alloy commented 9 years ago

Over time, apps tend to always get harder to setup, which makes the barrier to entry for contributions tougher.

Apps should be made easy to setup according to where it makes most sense to spend more time on doing so.

I would prefer to not resort to a VM image based system or the likes, as it makes it too easy to not spend time on making things transparent, which will bite us when information is most needed (e.g. cloud apocalypse debugging). As such, we should be able to reason about what is hard for new users and if it's an edge-case or if it really indicates a too complex / not-transperant issue.

Therefore, please list issues you encounter when trying to contribute to one of the apps like so:

I tried to work on app X, for reason Y, and it was hard because of Z.

floere commented 9 years ago
floere commented 9 years ago

I've finally gotten to my two checkboxes. Humus offers Humus.with_snapshot for people with access to the prod DB. Humus itself and search both use it.

orta commented 8 years ago
floere commented 8 years ago

My solution in the last comment worked only as long as we had a stable set of Humus snapshots. Now we need a spot to store snapshots of our prod DB for testing purposes.