After updating Xcode to version 14.3, I noticed that the issue navigator shows an issue with the message "Update to recommended settings". When I click on the details of this issue, I see two sections: "Build settings" and "Project settings".
"Build Settings"
Target 'Designable' - Enable Module Verifier
Enabling the Apple Clang Module Verifier is recommended for all targets that define clang modules.
"Project Settings
Enable Parallelization in Command Line Builds Using '-target'
Enable this project setting to allow the build system to build independent targets from this project in parallel when using the '-target' option of 'xcodebuild'.
Could you please provide any guidance on how to resolve this issue?
After updating Xcode to version 14.3, I noticed that the issue navigator shows an issue with the message "Update to recommended settings". When I click on the details of this issue, I see two sections: "Build settings" and "Project settings".
"Build Settings"
Could you please provide any guidance on how to resolve this issue?