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Broken? #36

Closed fabiopelosin closed 10 years ago

fabiopelosin commented 10 years ago
$ git clone
$ cd
$ rake bootstrap
$ bundle exec rake

Starting the server locally on http://localhost:4000
jekyll serve --watch --drafts --port 4000
Configuration file: /Users/fabio/Documents/Projects/CP/
            Source: /Users/fabio/Documents/Projects/CP/
       Destination: /Users/fabio/Documents/Projects/CP/
      Generating...   Liquid Exception: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /Users/fabio/Documents/Projects/CP/ in _layouts/post.html
 Auto-regeneration: enabled
    Server address:
  Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.

Some recent changes to the shared assets?

orta commented 10 years ago

did the bootstrap not pulling the submodules?

yas375 commented 10 years ago

@irrationalfab maybe you should run bundle exec rake bootstrap? I don't know your environment setup, but you have run rake bootstrap without bundle exec and then you've run rake using bundle exec. Maybe bootstrapping has happened with another version of ruby on your machine?

fabiopelosin commented 10 years ago

@yas375 I don’t use bundle exec for the bootstrap task because usually it is used to install the bundle and usually doesn’t have ruby dependencies.

desc 'Initial setup'
task :bootstrap do
  FileUtils.rm_rf '_gh-pages'
  puts "Cloning gh-pages branch..."
  puts %x[git clone _gh-pages]
  Dir.chdir('_gh-pages') do
    puts %x[git checkout gh-pages]

  puts "Cloning submodules..."
  puts %x[git submodule update --init --recursive]

  puts "Installing Bundle..."
  puts %x[bundle install]
fabiopelosin commented 10 years ago

@orta :-/ I even called git update --init manually. Actually the submodule was there but all the files had been deleted.