CocoaPods / cocoapods-acknowledgements

CocoaPods plugin that generates a plist which includes the installation metadata
MIT License
111 stars 17 forks source link

No files generated #38

Closed winkelsdorf closed 7 years ago

winkelsdorf commented 7 years ago

Using cocoapods 1.1.0.rc.3 and latest plugin as of today.

When using this plugin no files are generated at all.

Expected: -metadata.plist files are generated.

Actual: No files are generated except the default Pods-myProject-acknowledgements.plist. These are not respecting the :exclude command and are likely generated by cocoapods itself, not the plugin.

Am I doing something wrong?

-- Frederik


platform :ios, '9.0'

plugin 'cocoapods-acknowledgements', :exclude => ['SimulatorStatusMagic', 'Reveal-SDK']

target :myProject do
    pod 'SimulatorStatusMagic', :configurations => ['Debug']
    pod 'Reveal-SDK', :configurations => ['Debug']
    pod 'Fabric'
    pod 'Crashlytics'
    pod 'GoogleAnalytics' # only Analytics Pod, see #96 and #121 in
    pod 'Alamofire'
    pod 'AlamofireNetworkActivityIndicator'
    pod 'Nuke'
    pod 'Nuke-Alamofire-Plugin'
    pod 'Preheat'
    pod 'RealmSwift'
    pod 'ObjectMapper'
    pod 'AlamofireObjectMapper'
    pod 'NVActivityIndicatorView' # Activity Animation on Splash Screen
    pod 'IBAnimatable' # CoreAnimations wrapper
    pod 'TextAttributes' # NSAttributedString
    pod 'SwiftyTimer' # NSTimer
    pod 'SwiftDate' # NSDate
    pod 'AcknowList' # CocoaPods License Viewer
    pod 'SKPhotoBrowser', :git => '', :branch => 'swift3' # Image Viewer

target :myProjectTests do
    pod 'Quick'
    pod 'Nimble'

Verbose output of pod update:

 ~/Projects/myProject/iOS App   master ●✚  pod update --verbose
Update all pods

Updating local specs repositories

Updating spec repo `master`

Analyzing dependencies

Inspecting targets to integrate
  Using `ARCHS` setting to build architectures of target `Pods-myProject`: (``)
  Using `ARCHS` setting to build architectures of target `Pods-myProjectTests`: (``)

Finding Podfile changes
  - AcknowList
  - Alamofire
  - AlamofireNetworkActivityIndicator
  - AlamofireObjectMapper
  - Crashlytics
  - Fabric
  - GoogleAnalytics
  - IBAnimatable
  - NVActivityIndicatorView
  - Nimble
  - Nuke
  - Nuke-Alamofire-Plugin
  - ObjectMapper
  - Preheat
  - Quick
  - RealmSwift
  - Reveal-SDK
  - SKPhotoBrowser
  - SimulatorStatusMagic
  - SwiftDate
  - SwiftyTimer
  - TextAttributes

Fetching external sources
-> Pre-downloading: `SKPhotoBrowser` from ``, branch `swift3`
  $ /usr/bin/git ls-remote swift3
  2ec9887a8f5bc82aabc61da035cd4ab9b1230b63  refs/heads/swift3
  > Copying SKPhotoBrowser from
  `/Users/winkelsdorf/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/Pods/External/SKPhotoBrowser/3ebb9553230865c1b028033c99eed4a5` to

Resolving dependencies of `Podfile`

Comparing resolved specification to the sandbox manifest
  M SKPhotoBrowser
  - AcknowList
  - Alamofire
  - AlamofireNetworkActivityIndicator
  - AlamofireObjectMapper
  - Crashlytics
  - Fabric
  - GoogleAnalytics
  - IBAnimatable
  - NVActivityIndicatorView
  - Nimble
  - Nuke
  - Nuke-Alamofire-Plugin
  - ObjectMapper
  - Preheat
  - Quick
  - Realm
  - RealmSwift
  - Reveal-SDK
  - SimulatorStatusMagic
  - SwiftDate
  - SwiftyTimer
  - TextAttributes

Downloading dependencies

-> Using AcknowList (1.1)

-> Using Alamofire (4.0.1)

-> Using AlamofireNetworkActivityIndicator (2.0.1)

-> Using AlamofireObjectMapper (4.0.0)

-> Using Crashlytics (3.8.3)

-> Using Fabric (1.6.10)

-> Using GoogleAnalytics (3.17.0)

-> Using IBAnimatable (3.0)

-> Using NVActivityIndicatorView (3.0)

-> Using Nimble (5.0.0)

-> Using Nuke (4.1.1)

-> Using Nuke-Alamofire-Plugin (1.0.1)

-> Using ObjectMapper (2.1.0)

-> Using Preheat (3.0)

-> Using Quick (0.10.0)

-> Using Realm (2.0.2)

-> Using RealmSwift (2.0.2)

-> Using Reveal-SDK (2)

-> Installing SKPhotoBrowser 3.1.3 (was 3.1.3)

-> Using SimulatorStatusMagic (1.9.1)

-> Using SwiftDate (4.0.6)

-> Using SwiftyTimer (2.0.0)

-> Using TextAttributes (1.0)
  - Running pre install hooks

Generating Pods project
  - Creating Pods project
  - Adding source files to Pods project
  - Adding frameworks to Pods project
  - Adding libraries to Pods project
  - Adding resources to Pods project
  - Linking headers
  - Installing targets
    - Installing target `AcknowList` iOS 8.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/AcknowList/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/AcknowList/AcknowList.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/AcknowList/AcknowList-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `Alamofire` iOS 9.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Alamofire/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Alamofire/Alamofire.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/Alamofire/Alamofire-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `AlamofireNetworkActivityIndicator` iOS 9.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/AlamofireNetworkActivityIndicator/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support
    - Installing target `AlamofireObjectMapper` iOS 9.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/AlamofireObjectMapper/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/AlamofireObjectMapper/AlamofireObjectMapper.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/AlamofireObjectMapper/AlamofireObjectMapper-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `IBAnimatable` iOS 8.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/IBAnimatable/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/IBAnimatable/IBAnimatable.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/IBAnimatable/IBAnimatable-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `NVActivityIndicatorView` iOS 8.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/NVActivityIndicatorView/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support
    - Installing target `Nimble` iOS 8.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Nimble/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Nimble/Nimble.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/Nimble/Nimble-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `Nuke` iOS 9.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Nuke/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Nuke/Nuke.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/Nuke/Nuke-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `Nuke-Alamofire-Plugin` iOS 9.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Nuke-Alamofire-Plugin/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Nuke-Alamofire-Plugin/Nuke-Alamofire-Plugin.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/Nuke-Alamofire-Plugin/Nuke-Alamofire-Plugin-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `ObjectMapper` iOS 8.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/ObjectMapper/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/ObjectMapper/ObjectMapper.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/ObjectMapper/ObjectMapper-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `Preheat` iOS 8.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Preheat/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Preheat/Preheat.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/Preheat/Preheat-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `Quick` iOS 8.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Quick/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Quick/Quick.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/Quick/Quick-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `Realm` iOS 8.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Realm/Info.plist`
      - Copying module map file to `Pods/Target Support Files/Realm/Realm.modulemap`
    - Installing target `RealmSwift` iOS 8.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/RealmSwift/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/RealmSwift/RealmSwift.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/RealmSwift/RealmSwift-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `SKPhotoBrowser` iOS 8.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/SKPhotoBrowser/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/SKPhotoBrowser/SKPhotoBrowser.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/SKPhotoBrowser/SKPhotoBrowser-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `SimulatorStatusMagic` iOS 8.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/SimulatorStatusMagic/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/SimulatorStatusMagic/SimulatorStatusMagic.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/SimulatorStatusMagic/SimulatorStatusMagic-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `SwiftDate` iOS 8.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/SwiftDate/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/SwiftDate/SwiftDate.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/SwiftDate/SwiftDate-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `SwiftyTimer` iOS 8.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/SwiftyTimer/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/SwiftyTimer/SwiftyTimer.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/SwiftyTimer/SwiftyTimer-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `TextAttributes` iOS 8.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/TextAttributes/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/TextAttributes/TextAttributes.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/TextAttributes/TextAttributes-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `Pods-myProject` iOS 9.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-myProject/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-myProject/Pods-myProject.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-myProject/Pods-myProject-umbrella.h`
    - Installing target `Pods-myProjectTests` iOS 9.0
      - Generating Info.plist file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-myProjectTests/Info.plist`
      - Generating module map file at `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-myProjectTests/Pods-myProjectTests.modulemap`
      - Generating umbrella header at `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-myProjectTests/Pods-myProjectTests-umbrella.h`
  - Running post install hooks
  - Writing Xcode project file to `Pods/Pods.xcodeproj`
    - Generating deterministic UUIDs
  - Writing Lockfile in `Podfile.lock`
  - Writing Manifest in `Pods/Manifest.lock`

Integrating client project

Integrating target `Pods-myProject` (`myProject.xcodeproj` project)

Integrating target `Pods-myProjectTests` (`myProject.xcodeproj` project)
  - Running post install hooks
    - cocoapods-stats from `/Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/cocoapods-stats-1.0.0/lib/cocoapods_plugin.rb`

Sending stats
      - AcknowList, 1.1
      - Alamofire, 4.0.1
      - AlamofireNetworkActivityIndicator, 2.0.1
      - AlamofireObjectMapper, 4.0.0
      - Crashlytics, 3.8.3
      - Fabric, 1.6.10
      - GoogleAnalytics, 3.17.0
      - IBAnimatable, 3.0
      - NVActivityIndicatorView, 3.0
      - Nimble, 5.0.0
      - Nuke, 4.1.1
      - Nuke-Alamofire-Plugin, 1.0.1
      - ObjectMapper, 2.1.0
      - Preheat, 3.0
      - Quick, 0.10.0
      - Realm, 2.0.2
      - RealmSwift, 2.0.2
      - Reveal-SDK, 2
      - SKPhotoBrowser, 3.1.3
      - SimulatorStatusMagic, 1.9.1
      - SwiftDate, 4.0.6
      - SwiftyTimer, 2.0.0
      - TextAttributes, 1.0
    - cocoapods-acknowledgements from

Adding Acknowledgements

-> Pod installation complete! There are 22 dependencies from the Podfile and 23 total pods installed.

[!] The `myProject [Debug]` target overrides the `ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-myProject/Pods-myProject.debug.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
    - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
    - Remove the build settings from the target.

[!] The `myProject [Release]` target overrides the `ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-myProject/Pods-myProject.release.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
    - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
    - Remove the build settings from the target.

[!] The `myProjectTests [Debug]` target overrides the `ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-myProjectTests/Pods-myProjectTests.debug.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
    - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
    - Remove the build settings from the target.

[!] The `myProjectTests [Release]` target overrides the `ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-myProjectTests/Pods-myProjectTests.release.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
    - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
    - Remove the build settings from the target.
orta commented 7 years ago

By default it creates

Full Podspec metadata plist - This format provides more information to the app allowing for deeper introspection, currently only CPDAcknowledgements works with this format.

For a settings bundle compatible version, see the example usage on the README

winkelsdorf commented 7 years ago

Nervermind, my fault!

The plugin stores the metadata in a different folder than CocoaPods stores it's for the same purpose generated plist. That was unexpected. Really.

Probably good idea to update the documentation ^^

"generates a plist" in might be better rephrased to "generates a plist in the root of the Pods directory".

The default cocoapods plist are created under:

myProject\Pods\Target Support Files\Pods-myProject\Pods-myProject-acknowledgements.plist

whereas this plugin creates the metadata plist under:


orta commented 7 years ago

Sure thing, send us a PR 👍

winkelsdorf commented 7 years ago

Done. Sorry for this stupidity.. Should have done a grep for plist earlier 🙄

orta commented 7 years ago


winkelsdorf commented 7 years ago

Thanks for merging (and not further commenting ^^) 👍

orta commented 7 years ago

More docs is always better, you won't have been the first to be confused about it, but you may be the last

winkelsdorf commented 7 years ago

Exactly 😁