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README not updating after conversion from source :git to :http when README is missing #422

Open jmagman opened 5 years ago

jmagman commented 5 years ago

The Flutter pod has transferred owners (thank you for your help with that!) and all versions were deleted and re-pushed. The old podspecs had source :git and the new podspecs have source :http.

The pod is a pre-built, zipped framework with no README in the archive (yet) to set up preserve_paths and point to a new README.

The README on is still pointing to the README from the old GitHub repo before ownership was transferred. Can you re-generate the docs so it shows up empty? An empty README would be better than a stale one.

jmagman commented 5 years ago

@orta looks like this right now:

jmagman commented 5 years ago

Any update on this? Flutter's pod page still has the out-of-date text from the last maintainer.