CocoaPods / pod-template

An opinionated template for creating a Pod.
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Create recipe for template #190

Closed fulldecent closed 8 years ago

fulldecent commented 8 years ago

Pod-template supports 15 templates:

  1. Swift-WithDemo-UsingQuick-ViewBasedTesting
  2. Swift-WithDemo-UsingQuick-NoViewBasedTesting
  3. Swift-WithDemo-NoTestingFrameworks-ViewBasedTesting
  4. Swift-WithDemo-NoTestingFrameworks-NoBasedTesting
  5. Swift-NoDemo-UsingQuick-NoViewBasedTesting
  6. Swift-NoDemo-NoTestingFrameworks-NoViewBasedTesting
  7. ObjectiveC-WithDemo-UsingSpecta-ViewBasedTesting
  8. ObjectiveC-WithDemo-UsingSpecta-NoBasedTesting
  9. ObjectiveC-WithDemo-UsingKiwi-ViewBasedTesting
  10. ObjectiveC-WithDemo-UsingKiwi-NoBasedTesting
  11. ObjectiveC-WithDemo-NoTestingFrameworks-ViewBasedTesting
  12. ObjectiveC-WithDemo-NoTestingFrameworks-NoBasedTesting
  13. ObjectiveC-NoDemo-UsingSpecta-NoBasedTesting
  14. ObjectiveC-NoDemo-UsingKiwi-NoBasedTesting
  15. ObjectiveC-NoDemo-NoTestingFrameworks-NoBasedTesting

We should create a complete step-by-step recipe that my mom could use to create template 1. The ONLY difference between my mom following the recipe and running pod lib create would be the substitution of variables.

Having such a recipe would make it MUCH simpler to update pod-template with each new update of XCode or Swift or CocoaPods. Having this "build script" would be a repeatable process for updating pod-template.

fulldecent commented 8 years ago

Here is my complete recipe for template 1. Now somebody can recreate what I am doing -- and it should be a repeatable process.

Long term for pod-template, I think we can make a recipe for each template. Then we can store each template in Git. Then we replace the whole configurator with a VERY simple tool. All it does is ask you which template you want and it does variable substitution. I believe that is as simple as possible and no simpler.


Some variables have spaces in them. That is intentional because it causes Xcode to use double quotes around them in its project configuration files.

The Recipe

Do all these instructions on the same calendar day (because today's date is saved into the files).

  1. Open Xcode Version 8.0 (8A218a) (this is the latest publicly released or Gold Master version)
  2. Create a new project for your module
    1. Click “Create a new Xcode project"
    2. Configure the template for a Swift module
      1. Click “iOS"
      2. Select "Cocoa Touch Framework"
      3. Click “Next"
    3. Set the project options
      1. Set project name to __PROJECT_NAME__
      2. Set organization name to __ORGANIZATION NAME__
      3. Set organization identifier to com.AN.ORGANIZATION.IDENTIFIER
      4. Set language to "Swift"
      5. Ensure "Include Unit Tests" is selected
      6. Click “Next"
    4. Save the project
      1. Ensure “Create Git Repository" is not selected
      2. Navigate to your Desktop folder
      3. Click “Create"
    5. Use the directory layout structure like Alamofire
      2. Use Finder to open the project folder which is named __PROJECT_NAME__
        1. Rename the enclosed folder also named __PROJECT_NAME__ to “Source"
        2. Rename the folder named __PROJECT_NAME__Tests to “Tests"
        3. Create a new folder named “Resources"
        4. Download the file into the Resources folder
      3. Use Xcode to update the name and location of these folders
        1. Open the file __PROJECT_NAME__.xcodeproj in Xcode
        2. Enable to Project navigator on the left and the File inspector on the right
        3. Use the Project navigator to select the __PROJECT_NAME__ folder
        4. Use the File inspector to change the name to “Source"
        5. Use the File inspector to change the location (the folder icon button) to ~/Desktop/__PROJECT_NAME__/source
        6. Use the Project navigator to select the __PROJECT_NAME__Tests folder
        7. Use the File inspector to change the name to “Tests"
        8. Use the File inspector to change the location (the folder icon button) to ~/Desktop/__PROJECT_NAME__/tests
        9. Use the Project navigator to select the __PROJECT_NAME__ project (the blue Xcode icon, not the folder icon)
        10. Select File -> New -> Group and set the name to Resources
        11. Drag the wk.png file in the Resources folder from Finder into the Resources folder in Xcode
          1. Ensure “Copy items if needed” is not selected
          2. Ensure “Create folder references” is selected
          3. Ensure Add to targets only selects __PROJECT_NAME__
        12. Order the Source folder to above the Resources folder
    6. Use Xcode to add source code with some functionality to module
      1. Use the Project navigator to select the Source folder
      2. Create a new Swift file
        1. Select File -> New -> File
        2. Select "iOS"
        3. Select "Swift file"
        4. Click “Next"
        5. Set the file name as __PROJECT_NAME__
        6. Click “Create"
        7. Open and copy starting at "import Foundation” and continuing to the end of the file
        8. In Xcode select from “import Foundation” until the end of the file and paste
  3. Create a new project for your iOS Example project
    1. Select File -> New -> Project
    2. Configure the template for a Swift iOS
      1. Click “iOS"
      2. Select “Single View Application"
      3. Click "Next"
    3. Set the project options
      1. Set project name to “Example"
      2. Set organization name to __ORGANIZATION NAME__
      3. Set organization identifier to com.AN.ORGANIZATION.IDENTIFIER
      4. Set language to "Swift"
      5. Set devices to “Universal"
      6. Ensure "Include Unit Tests" is not selected
      7. Ensure "Include UI Tests" is selected
      8. Click “Next"
    4. Save the project
      1. Ensure “Create Git Repository" is not selected
      2. Ensure add to is “Don’t add to any project or workspace"
      3. Select the folder __PROJECT_NAME__ on the desktop
      4. Click “Create"
    5. Use the directory layout structure like Alamofire
      1. Change the name of the scheme from “Example" to "iOS Example” (NEED MORE SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS STEP)
      2. Change the name of the target from “Example” to “iOS Example” (NEED MORE SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS STEP)
      3. Change the name of the target from “ExampleUITests” to “iOS ExampleUITests” (NEED MORE SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS STEP)
      4. Use Finder to open the project folder which is named “Example"
        1. Rename the enclosed folder also named “Example" to “Source"
        2. Rename the folder named “ExampleUITests" to “UITests"
        3. Rename the project named “Example.xcodeproj” to "iOS Example.xcodeproj” (Xcode will prompt you to “Close" or “Resave", click "Close")
      5. Use Xcode to update the name and location of these folders
        1. Open the file "iOS Example.xcodeproj" in Xcode
        2. Enable to Project navigator on the left and the File inspector on the right
        3. Use the Project navigator to select the “Example" folder
        4. Use the File inspector to change the name to “Source"
        5. Use the File inspector to change the location (the folder icon button) to ~/Desktop/Example/source
        6. Use the Project navigator to select the “ExampleUITests" folder
        7. Use the File inspector to change the name to “UITests"
        8. Use the File inspector to change the location (the folder icon button) to ~/Desktop/Example/UITests
        9. Use the Project navigator to select the __PROJECT_NAME__ project (the blue Xcode icon, not the folder icon)
        10. Select File -> New -> Group and set the name to Resources
        11. Drag the wk.png file in the Resources folder from Finder into the Resources folder in Xcode
          1. Ensure “Copy items if needed” is not selected
          2. Ensure “Create folder references” is selected
          3. Ensure Add to targets only selects __PROJECT_NAME__
        12. Order the Source folder to above the Resources folder
    6. Use Xcode to add source code with some functionality to the example project
  4. Define a CocoaPods file for the module (the producer)
    1. Open using
    2. Use __PROJECT_NAME__ instead of "${POD_NAME}” or PROJECT
    3. Use __GITHUB_USERNAME__ instead of ""
    4. Save that file to ~/Desktop/__PROJECT_NAME__/__PROJECT_NAME__.podspec
    5. Open
    6. cd ~/Desktop/__PROJECT_NAME__/
    7. mv __PROJECT_NAME__.podspec.txt __PROJECT_NAME__.podspec
  5. Define a CocoaPods file for the example (the consumer)
    1. Open using
    2. Use __PROJECT_NAME__ instead of "${POD_NAME}”
    3. Use "Quick', '~> 0.8” instead of "${INCLUDED_PODS}” (include the quotes in the replacement)
    4. Use "iOS ExampleUITests” instead of “Tests"
    5. Save that file to ~/Desktop/__PROJECT_NAME__/Example/Podfile
    6. Open
    7. cd ~/Desktop/__PROJECT_NAME__/Example/
    8. mv Podfile.txt Podfile
    9. pod install
  6. Remove identifying parts of your project
    1. Use Atom text editor to find and replace all occurrences of these strings (NEED A MORE PORTABLE INSTRUCTION FOR THIS)
      1. Replace your name with __AUTHOR NAME__ (see the line Created by XXX on YYY.)
      2. Replace the full date with __TODAYS_DATE__ (see the line Created by XXX on YYY.)
      3. Replace the current year with __TODAYS_YEAR__ (see the line Copyright © XXX ORGANIZATION NAME)
  7. Add additional files to your project (NEED BETTER DOCUMENTATION HERE)
    1. Add .gitignore from
    2. Add .travis.yml from
    3. Add LICENSE from
    4. Add PROJECT.podspec from
    5. Add from

Using it

To use this template, simply do a find-all and replace for each of the variables.

fulldecent commented 8 years ago

This is done. I posted the recipe here

orta commented 8 years ago

Cool 👍