Hello, I have a project where I set DTAttributedTextContentView layer to DTTiledLayerWithoutFade and at the same time trying to render DTIframeTextAttachment via WKWebView.
But unfortunately I have faced a crash after trying to dismiss the ViewController which holds DTAttributedTextContentView,
the crash is gone when removing this line DTAttributedTextContentView.setLayerClass(DTTiledLayerWithoutFade.self) from AppDelegate.
You can reproduce this issue through this project by following these steps:
1 - after running the project you will click on the button in the main screen
2- then it will open another ViewController
3- try to dismiss the second ViewController and the crash will happen
Hello, I have a project where I set DTAttributedTextContentView layer to DTTiledLayerWithoutFade and at the same time trying to render DTIframeTextAttachment via WKWebView. But unfortunately I have faced a crash after trying to dismiss the ViewController which holds DTAttributedTextContentView, the crash is gone when removing this line
from AppDelegate.